Arby's - Jabriyah
Hawalli - Jabriyah - Hawalli Governorate - Jabriyah - Block 1, 105th Street

General Information

At the beginning of its appearance, the Arbiz series was known as the Grilled Beef Sandwich, and to this day the series still offers this type of sandwich, but it added many other delicious sandwiches such as Angus steak, beef sandwich, bacon and meat sandwich Turkeys and chicken, as well as a variety of salads, rolls and side dishes of fries. And even if you have been a longtime customer of the chain, there are certainly things you do not know about this series.
Category: Snack
Country: Kuwait
City: Hawalli
Area: Jabriyah
Address: Hawalli Governorate - Jabriyah - Block 1, 105th Street

Arby's branches in Hawalli

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