Catch 22
Catch 22
Catch 22 - Al-Muhammadiyya District
Riyadh - Al Muhammadiyya District - Riyadh 12364 - The Zone Complex - Takhasusy Street

General Information

A social contemporary eatery that serves an array of Western inspired dishes. Catch22 is an experience and not just a restaurant. The perfect place for a casual lunch by the beach, a date night, dinner with the family, or gathering over a delicious bite with friends, that's what we inspire in our restaurant. The food at Catch22 allows everyone to enjoy something they like with shareable and fusion starters, sushi & sti salads, sandwiches, mains, healthy options and delicious desserts, we've inspired a very creative m that opens up a lot of social interactions and instagrammable moments...
Category: International cuisine
Country: Saudi Arabia
City: Riyadh
Area: Al Muhammadiyya District
Address: Riyadh 12364 - The Zone Complex - Takhasusy Street

Catch 22 branches in Riyadh

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