Bait El Rayalat Lel Manasif
Bait El Rayalat Lel Manasif
Bait El Rayalat Lel Manasif - Marj Al Hamam
Amman - Marj El Hamam - Khalil Al Salem Street - near the Housing Alia roundabout

General Information

Bait Al Riyal Al Mansaf is a restaurant in Jordan that serves a selection of Arabic cuisine Their best selling dishes are Sidr Mansaf meat 3 kg, Quarter Chicken mansaf meal and Meat Mansaf meal, but they have other options such as Mansaf meals
Category: Arabic foods
Country: Jordan
City: Amman
Area: Marj El Hamam
Address: Khalil Al Salem Street - near the Housing Alia roundabout

Bait El Rayalat Lel Manasif branches in Amman

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