Manqoushet Baladna
Manqoushet Baladna
Manqoushet Baladna - Al Abdali
Amman - Al Abdali - Sulaiman Al Nabulsi Street - opposite the Boulevard - Building No. 51

General Information

Manoucheh Baladna is a restaurant located in Jordan, serving a selection of Italian cuisine Their best selling dishes are Steak Snack Sandwich, Zinger Snack Sandwich and Cream Chicken Snack Sandwich, although they have a variety of other options, like Snacks Sandwiches
Category: Italian food
Country: Jordan
City: Amman
Area: Al Abdali
Address: Sulaiman Al Nabulsi Street - opposite the Boulevard - Building No. 51

Manqoushet Baladna branches in Amman

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