DONERKONNER - Mall of Arabia
Giza - October 6 - Restaurants section

General Information

Doner Conner - Doner Kebab, Doner Kebab Egypt, Doner Kebab Sandwich German Doner Kebab German Doner Kebab Doner Konner is a 100% Egyptian joint stock company. It depends on an Egyptian workforce that is professionally trained by Germans Experts through our fruitful cooperation and partnership With "Oztas", one of the largest doner productions companies in Germany. This partnership ensures a safe and healthy environment The product that is produced in our factories using high quality raw materials imported from Europe to maintain the highest international standards Quality levels, reaching the ultimate European taste of Doner Kebab
Category: Fast food
Country: Egypt
City: Giza
Area: October 6
Address: Restaurants section

DONERKONNER  branches in Giza

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