Shanab Shawarma
Shanab Shawarma
Shanab Shawarma - Al Jubeiha
Amman - Jbaiha - Higher education signals - towards Al Manhal signal

General Information

Shawarma variety is served
Category: Shawarma
Country: Jordan
City: Amman
Area: Jbaiha
Address: Higher education signals - towards Al Manhal signal

Shanab Shawarma branches in Amman

Comments (3)

بكر النعواشي
بكر النعواشي
hello to you I visited today, my friend William, the owner of a salon, told me weeks ago that he was asking the employees of the evening kitchen for the evening shift and the evening shift was not Today in the evening my friend will visit me and the check will be done instead of the months that the check has not been done. This customer is respected inside the restaurant. Thank you very much
بكر النعواشي
بكر النعواشي
صباح خير .... أشكر جمميع الإدارة شنب على المتابعة العمل داخل المطعم ...... كل الأحترم والتقدير لجزيل الشكر ........... باتوفيق النجاح جميعا
بكر النعواشي
بكر النعواشي
سلام عليكم

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