Sobia Al Rahmany
Sobia Al Rahmany
Sobia Al Rahmany - Al Asafra
Alexandria - Asafra - Container Hub - Next to Al Warda Hotel

General Information

Sobia El Rahmani is a natural Egyptian drink, created more than 100 years ago in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Cairo... the ancient neighborhood of El Sayeda Zeinab, made from 100% all-natural ingredients without any preservatives. From its ingredients (rice - milk - cream - natural coconut pieces), several types are available from it (sweet sobia - sobia muzzle - sobia glass - glass shake). It has many benefits such as improving stomach performance and improving bowel movement naturally and without any preservatives or any unnatural substances
Category: Desserts
Country: Egypt
City: Alexandria
Area: Asafra
Address: Container Hub - Next to Al Warda Hotel

Sobia Al Rahmany branches in Alexandria

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