ِِِAlqaysar Pizza
ِِِAlqaysar Pizza
ِِِAlqaysar Pizza - Tabarbour
Amman - Tabarbour - Tariq Street - next to Al Sahl Al Akhdar - opposite Umniah

General Information

Pizza Caesar is a restaurant located in Jordan that serves a selection of Pizza. Their best selling dishes are 3 small pizzas offer, 3 medium pizzas offer, 3 large pizzas and mozzarella sticks, but they have other options like special offers and appetizers and salads.
Category: Pizza
Country: Jordan
City: Amman
Area: Tabarbour
Address: Tariq Street - next to Al Sahl Al Akhdar - opposite Umniah

Comments (3)

Alaa Kanaan
Alaa Kanaan
أكلهم رائع مشكورين
mat3am .net
mat3am .net
الى الامام و بالتوفيق
mohannad abusada
mohannad abusada
نضاف . واكلهم طيب جدا و منوع . ما عدا المعكرونه بدها تعديل

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