La Casa Pasta
La Casa Pasta
La Casa Pasta - Al Nahda Plaza
Riyadh - Nahda - Restaurants area

General Information

Casa Pasta Restaurant Group (Casa Pasta Restaurants is a 100% Saudi restaurant company, a Saudi success story that started from one branch in the year 2005 and now they have many branches in most cities of the Kingdom, starting from Riyadh, Jeddah, Makkah, Qassim, Dammam and Khobar, and work is underway on a strong expansion plan to cover The remaining cities of the Kingdom). Casa Pasta distinguishes, the customer can master the preparation of pasta and eat different pasta every day according to the taste of the sauces provided, locally made sauces from our factories.”
Category: Italian food
Country: Saudi Arabia
City: Riyadh
Area: Nahda
Address: Restaurants area

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