The story of Annie and Danny began in 1998 under the leadership of Mr. Khaled Al-Othaim. Mr. Khaled knew that many European countries, especially Belgium and Switzerland, produce the best types of chocolate, cakes and sweets in the world. In these countries, chocolate makers have mixed hundreds of flavors with various colors and combinations with meticulous precision to create luxurious sweets, and presented these sweets in ways that appeal to all five senses. These desserts were amazingly fresh, incredibly elegant, and beautifully shaped.However, no company in Saudi Arabia has produced chocolate of such outstanding quality. Some vendors tried to import raw cocoa, in addition to various types of chocolate and other sweets, but local consumers found that these products were without taste or flavor because they lost their original taste during the period of export.
Category: Cake and chocolate
Country: Saudi Arabia
City: Dammam
Area: Manar
Address: Abu Bakr Al Siddiq Street - near Sindbad Pastries