Sofrat Yadety
Sofrat Yadety
Sofrat Yadety - Tubli
Isa Town - Tubli - Ajwad Al-Jabri Street - in front of Ala Al-Din Kindergarten - next to the Discovery Roundabout

General Information

Sufra Yadati is a restaurant in Bahrain that serves dishes of Bahraini cuisine Their best selling dishes are Dal Lentil, Harees and Chicken Makina, although they have a variety of dishes and meals to choose from, like My Trip, My Dining
Category: Arabic foods
Country: Bahrain
City: Isa Town
Area: Tubli
Address: Ajwad Al-Jabri Street - in front of Ala Al-Din Kindergarten - next to the Discovery Roundabout

Sofrat Yadety branches in Isa Town

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