Abu Basheer lel Thorayeh Ala Al7atab
Abu Basheer lel Thorayeh Ala Al7atab
Abu Basheer lel Thorayeh Ala Al7atab - Seventh Circle
Amman - 7th Circle - Behind Safeway - Jordan Pettech entrance - opposite Talabat Mart

General Information

Abu Basheer lel Thorayeh Ala Al7atab is a restaurant in Jordan that serves dishes from the kitchen and snack sandwiches. Their best-selling dishes are 1 cup mini corn syrup, 1 cup of super skinny corn, and grilled corn on wood, but they have other options like snacks.
Category: Fast food
Country: Jordan
City: Amman
Area: 7th Circle
Address: Behind Safeway - Jordan Pettech entrance - opposite Talabat Mart

Abu Basheer lel Thorayeh Ala Al7atab branches in Amman

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Last updated on: 06/07/2023

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